Last summer as a way of practising my cutting, piecing and stippling techniques – as a very newbie quilter (not sure I’ve progressed very much since then!), I sewed a simple patchwork cot quilt…
.. even though at the time I didn’t know anyone with a baby in the family who might like it. That’s it above – my Dandelion Bunny cushion pattern is sitting on top of it. (The knitted bunny is a pattern by Debi Birkin). A few weeks ago one of the lovely helpers at our Senior Citizens’ Lunch Club asked me if I had anything in my cupboard suitable for a newly arrived grand-daughter – and I thought of this little quilt. Here’s Ella all cosily tucked up beneath it – lovely!

And it’s lovely too when people send me pictures of their creations from my designs – and today the very talented Marja from Rosa Bears blog did just that. I love her interpretation of my Daisies in a Teacup Pattern …..
and quite an old (and free to newsletter readers) pattern – Hyacinth in a Teacup (think there’s a bit of a theme developing here!)
Thanks so much for sharing Marja. And please do pop across and visit her blog – although Marja is from the Netherlands so I don’t understand the text very well, there are some beautiful pictures of her work to admire.
PS If you’d like the hyacinth pattern, then it’s in the free newsletter readers pattern library – you can join using the form in the right-hand sidebar.
Very pretty quilt – lovely heirloom
Julie xxxxxxxxxx
I’m the proud owner of the lovely dandelion bunny cushion you made, and every day I see it, it makes me smile! Thanks for all your beautiful work and inspiration x
Hi Donna, so pleased you’re enjoying it – I know I had fun stitching it. Helen xx