Wow! It’s Christmas Eve already – tonight’s THE BIG ONE – though these days I am not woken at 4 am by Rosie’s excited squealing, but instead am able to enjoy a more leisurely awakening before the day properly gets underway. The run up to this Christmas has been even busier than usual, with my working time divided between sewing (lovely), magazine creation (also lovely) and getting to grips with the new European Union VAT legislation that comes into force on 1 January 2015 (not at all lovely – quite horrible in fact). There’s been a lot written about this legislation and its implications for tiny businesses like mine that sell digital products online. You may have read that it has very sadly caused many pattern sellers to close their online stores.
I don’t want to spoil the day by going into details about all of this, but I do want to reassure everyone that everything will carry on as normal in the New Year. The Bustle & Sew Magazine will continue, patterns will be published and Daisy & Ben will pop up from time to time to add to the general merriment! Like the proverbial swan Rosie and I are doing lots of frantic paddling beneath the water to keep Bustle & Sew gliding along serenely, making sure nobody notices that our admin processes have suddenly got a lot more complicated.
So – at the risk of repeating myself – Bustle & Sew will remain open for business as usual in January 2015.
All this extra admin has meant that I’ve been a bit late with the magazine preview this month. But here (at last) it is….
And I do hope you’ll like it! It will be published not on the last Thursday of the month as usual (I think we might all be a bit busy tomorrow), but on Friday instead, so if you’re a subscriber please do watch out for it then. If you’re not a subscriber and would like to learn more, then please do CLICK HERE to find out all about it!
And that’s all folks – now I’m off to decorate my chocolate log. But I have a cake topper problem – my penguin is bigger than my Christmas tree! What to do? ……. Hand over to the Newfies to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, that’s what!

Have a wonderful Christmas Helen and put to one side the worries and problems of European VAT for a few days! Hope Ben and Daisy have some goodies under the tree 🙂
very best wishes
Lynn xx
Merry Christmas to all!