It’s nearly here – tomorrow’s the day – publication day, that is, when I will be sending out the 99th edition of our Bustle & Sew Magazine. More than eight years of Bustle & Sew stitchy goodness, and much more between the covers as well!
This month’s issue is no exception with articles ranging from the countryside in April to binding your embroidery hoop, rainbows, showers and cuckoos, Easter bunnies and traditions and looking at plain and even weave linen. As always we chat to talented makers too, finding out a little about their inspiration, working methods and how their businesses have developed. Which sort of brings me to our centenary issue next month. This is going to be a bumper edition – we’ll be catching up with makers who have featured in the past – many of whom have generously offered prizes for the wonderful week of celebration Rosie is organising for us – but more of that next month.

Meanwhile, I need to let you know that this is the last few days you’ll be able to take advantage of our introductory two issues for $1 trial offer. This has been running for several years now, and we think it’s time for a change. But it’s still valid at the moment… when you subscribe you’ll receive the current (March) edition straight away, and then the April issue (above) when it’s published tomorrow.

That’s twelve lovely Bustle & Sew patterns, four talented Makers to meet and so much more besides! The magazine is produced by just the two of us – that’s Rosie and myself so it is totally unlike more commercial publications for mass circulation. One difference you’ll notice straight away is that there’s no advertising at all – every page is packed with Bustle & Sew goodness!
And please do remember – this is an absolutely no-risk offer! If you decide you don’t want to continue with your subscription then all you need to do is email me to cancel – there’s no minimum period and no penalties either (though of course we do hope you’d like to keep receiving our magazine).
Please note: if you do continue then you’ll be charged at the standard rate of $5.50 per month while your subscription continues.
If you’d like to find out more about our magazine to take advantage of the last few days of our $1 trial offer and receive both magazines above for just $1 then please just CLICK HERE to visit our store.
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