There’s a lot happening here at the moment! I’m typing this sitting on the living room floor with my laptop balanced on my knees while my baby grandson is kicking and gurgling on his Polar Bear rug. It’s getting a lot of use as although I’m fairly sure he doesn’t realise it’s a polar bear, he loves the furry softness of it. He’s beginning to try rolling over on his rug – though I think he’s going to need a lot of practice before he finally manages it! This Sunday is of course Mother’s Day here in the UK and I think he has a special gift planned for his mum (with a lot of help from his dad!).
A traditional Mother’s Day gift is flowers of course – and mums always love things specially made for them – so if you haven’t purchased your gift yet, there’s still time to combine the two and sew my free Blooming Lovely design ….

It’s a really easy make, combining freestyle machine embroidery with an (optional) pretty crochet flower. And if you were feeling especially creative it might be fun to make the flower into a detachable brooch perhaps? If you’d like the free pattern then please just CLICK HERE to download.
March also brings St Patrick’s Day and last year I created an easy little hoop based on an old Gaelic blessing ….

Again this is a free pattern so if you’d like the download then please do CLICK HERE for the pdf file.
Finally, March brings us an early Easter this year. It’s still a little way off, but in our family we do enjoy a nicely toasted hot cross bun all year round. In honour of this tasty treat I designed this new pattern for a hot cross bun basket …..

I’ve included additional text “Seeded or wholemeal … Granary or white?” in case you’d like to make a bread basket to use all year round. If you’d like to make your own bread (or hot cross bun!) basket this year, then please do CLICK HERE to download the free pattern. The lovely fabric I used came from Peonie Cole – I think it’s perfect for Easter time!
And now, feeling rather breathless after typing all of this VERY fast indeed I must go! On one side I have my cheeky little grandson who wants to play and on the other I have two hungry Newfies and a goldendoodle who think that surely it must be time for tea (it isn’t)! So farewell for now and I’ll be back soon with more news.
Have a lovely time, babies grow too quick
Julie xxxxxx
They do indeed Julie xx
Hello dear
I love all your sweet projects
So beautiful x
Thank you so much x
So much fun with the Grandbaby!!! Thank you for the wonderful patterns…
You and Rosey have a very very happy Mother’s Day!
We will be sure to Jan – especially now we have one very new mother in the family xx
Thank you so much for the lovely patterns! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
X Linda
Thanks so much Linda xx
You always have such pretty inspiring patterns! One day I will stop collecting and start stitching…
Aw, thanks so much Greta. Hope you are able to find time for stitching before too long xx
Spring means baby birds..I am a song bird rehaber so it’s a busy time…love this time of year
Helen, it is a joy to receive emails from you. Whether weekly or monthly, it brings a deep smile from my heart to you. Congrats to you being a Grandmum! What a joy!!
That is so lovely of you Deb, I love writing to everyone too. LOVE being a grandma, such fun!