Sunny Days are Here Again

We spent some time last week putting up our gazebo – officially the start of the summer season here at Coombe Leigh.  I love our gazebo, it’s like an extra room – sheltered by the canvas roof and curtains from cool breezes and rain – and we can always light the chimnea for a barbeque – or to spend a cosy evening in the garden.  This year we’ve chosen a patriotic red, white and blue theme, with Rupert Bear cushions (not properly visible in this picture!).
And while we worked, we had an audience!  This little robin seemed very tame, and extremely interested in our activities.  Unfortunately for him though we weren’t gardening.  This meant no fat juicy worms were uncovered so eventually he became bored and flew away.
The lovely warm weather has also meant washing hanging in the garden rather than draped over the dryer in front of the Aga.  I always think washing smells so fresh when it’s been dried outside, though it has to be carefully checked for the presence of miniature wildlife, such as spiders and ladybirds, which can drop into the folds!
All this outdoor activity has inspired my latest Rosie & Bear pattern which is now nearing completion.  In this design naughty Bear has met his match at last in the shape of ….. MUM!!  Yes, Mum has insisted that he is washed despite the loud wails of protest from Rosie who can’t bear to be without her friend for even an hour or two.  And here he is on the line … but not for long I think!  Spot how the apple trees (now in fruit, not blossom) and the robin have found their way into the design. Should be completed very soon. 
Finally, I so totally haven’t  changed the price of the magazine subscription yet.  One or two people have spotted this and subscribed – which is fine – but I thought it’s only fair to let everyone know.  But I will be raising the price at the weekend, so if you’d like to take advantage of the current $2.50 per month rate forever, then don’t delay – you can subscribe using the form in the sidebar of this page.
PS  My website will be moving at the weekend.  This means the free patterns will disappear, for the time being at least, so if there’s anything you want, then please download it very soon



I agree! There is nothing as sweet as climbing into bed between sheets that have been line dried out of door. MMMmmmmm…..

Your gazebo is wonderful! I know I'd spend as much time as possible out there with needles and thread.

Cynthia L.

I love your porch. It would be wonderful to sit and stich there. I, too, love the smell of laundry dried on a line.


Just catching up with myself after losing my blog, and to top it all I lost my following list too that has only just this minute returned!
Love the new Bear picture
Julie xxxxxxx


Just found your blog. That bird and embroidery is so so sweet. I love both of them.


I love your gazebo! Pretty please can I come sit there and stitch with you? (just kidding of course, I live on the other side of the Atlantic!)


Ellie, to make fried chicken, I usef fresh ginger and garlic. Both are graded and get squize of fresh juice from them, then add bit fo soysouce and marinade chicken.
after half or one day, coat with corn starch or potato starch(if you don't have it, try flour) and fry them. Good luck. and enjoy your gazebo. I would love to have one of those too.


Love the gazebo. We are finishing ours as well as we look toward the summer. Yesterday I finished the 'Rosie and Bear go to the Royal Wedding' piece from the magazine. Such a whimsical piece! My son (now 16) has always been such a bear lover and it was a big hit with him. Happy summer!


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