It’s funny how sometimes one thing leads to another. I had such huge fun putting together this month’s edition of the Bustle & Sew Magazine with its coastal theme, that I decided to reach a little further back into the archives and put together a new collection of nine projects, all seaside-related…

So we have ships and pirates, walruses and whales, sea birds, ice creams, fishes and (from a very long time ago) coastguards cottages. You can see the coastguards cottages in the centre of the images – but what you don’t see in the final image is that I took my “helper” with me to the photoshoot on our local beach – my old Newfie, Ben, who was rather bemused by the whole affair…..

When I went to upload the Coastal Collection to the website, I was struck by the rather messy appearance of the book store with all the collections having differently styled covers and so this led on to my next idea….
I am going to put together a whole new set of pattern collections of which the Coastal Collection is the first. These new style collections will each contain nine projects, all clearly pictured on the front cover to make it easy to see what is inside. They will also be extremely reasonably priced at just $12 (a smidgeon under £10 or just $1.30 per pattern) and will all have the same style of cover, making the whole Bustle & Sew book store look much tidier.
This desire for neatness and conformity led to my final idea. I am retiring all previous pattern collections at the end of next week to make room for my new ones…..

So I’m holding a small sale! I haven’t reduced magazine bundles, only the pattern collections and you don’t need a code, I have already made the reductions for you. So if you’d like to grab a bargain with prices from just $4.25 then please CLICK HERE to visit the Bustle & Sew book store. All reduced items are clearly marked and the reduced rates will show in your trolley.
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