Yes, it’s nearly here, just a few hours to wait as the February issue is published tomorrow! Rosie and I are really excited about this issue with its lovely pink cover and, well, far too much inside to list. But luckily I have uploaded the full preview so you can have a quick peek inside that pink exterior ….
There’s lots to enjoy this month! And, thinking of pink, I am delighted to report that my beautiful early-flowering pink camellia is coming into bloom. I spotted a splash of colour through my bedroom window this morning and closer inspection revealed some fat buds and a few fully open blooms. I’ve brought these inside as the weather is forecast to turn increasingly wintery and I don’t want them to spoil …

Some for my friend Jacqui – she loves them and as she’s invited me for tea tonight I think they’ll make a nice little gift that’s sure to be appreicated. And I’ve kept a couple of buds for myself, which I’m sure will soon burst into flower in the warmth of my logburner….

I’ve added them to some shop-bought flowers, so I will have fragrance from the hyacinth as well as beautiful colour – which nearly matches the colour of my little rabbit’s tail. He’s going to be a project for the March Magazine and is waiting patiently for me to write up his pattern – and make him a little egg-cosy friend too!
Hi Helen. Looking forward to tomorrow! And that bunny is sooo adorable. I have some time to order some felt to make a bunny (and a few more)☺
Thanks Petra – and I firmly believe you can never have too many bunnies, especially at Easter! xx
Oh I can’t wait! I’m itching to stitch the snowdrops. I’m not even going to look at the preview because I want to see it all tomorrow with my pot of tea and lovely dog by my side. I’m even finishing the housecleaning a day early so I don’t have any pressures!
Take care:)
Hope you have a lovely day Jenn – sounds perfect to me – a day spent stitching, what could be nicer? x
Oh yes Helen you can have too many rabbits as I discovered whilst walking around my flower beds yesterday!!!! The sort of rabbits you make though I can certainly live with 🙂 They don’t munch my plants or dig up my bulbs.
Beautiful Camellia flowers and I can imagine the scent that will come off the hyacinth. Can’t wait for the new magazine 🙂 xx
Hmmm.. yes, you are right of course Lynn – perhaps I should have specified felt bunnies – or even the CHOCOLATE variety! xx
How wonderful all your work is. I come here every day to admire it. Congratulations Helen!
Aw, thanks so much Teresa, that’s really lovely of you. xx