I’m in the middle of sorting out floss numbers and fabric panels, so I thought I’d just post very quickly to let you know that …. because I am not very good at putting things away in the right place (ahem!) we seem to have quite a few softie kits currently in stock. This means we need to make some room for our first new embroidery kits coming very soon (that’ll be the 2018 calendar panel and Rosie’s Houseplants Hoop below)…..

So for the next 24 hours only we’re offering 15% off all kits currently in stock. Just CLICK HERE to visit the shop – you don’t need a code, I’ve already reduced the prices in store. And I’m also pleased to report that Miss Daisy is entirely returned to her usual (rather mischievous!) self ….

Though bones are off the menu for the forseeable future – much to Ben’s disgust!
Hi Helen,
So glad to hear Miss.Daisy’s back to her normal mischievous self! Be thankful you haven’t got a VERY naughty (but VERY lovable) sheep, too!
Diana – Inky and Echo send woofs and licks (they would like to send you our VERY naughty sheep!). xx
Haha Diana – love the sound of the sheep – in what way is he (or she?) naughty – please do tell more! xx