I simply don’t know where the days fly away to! I am so sorry – I hadn’t realised it had been ONE WHOLE WEEK since I last blogged! It’s isn’t that nothing has happened – possibly too much has been going on here! I have finished another project for the July magazine – another in my series of large literary-inspired hoops ….

In my usual manner I have combined different techniques – the ship, text and waves are all hand embroidered whilst the sails are freestyle machine applique. I particularly love the rabbit sail – fussy cut to include the bunny – perfect for a Bustle & Sew ship!
I’ve completed another faux taxidermy head – this time a swan – for my new collection to be published later this year ….

And have also been continuing my needle felting – again combining different techniques …

I’m very pleased with how this little pair have turned out. The fox cub with his pretty floral garland is 4 1/2″ tall, whilst his friend the badger sitting amongst daisies is a little smaller at about 4″ tall. Embroidering on needle felt is surprisingly easy, though you do need a little patience -and thinking ahead too, deciding where to bring your needle out each time. I’m planning to offer my needle felted creations for sale on Etsy in the near future and I’ll be sure to let you know when I’ve listed them.
Then there’s been dog-walking and unusually Ben has been told off! This was because he burst into the fenced off flower border and demolished my alliums. I had 10 beautiful big purple ones just coming into bloom. Now I have six purple alliums in a vase on my shelf and four slightly tatty looking specimens left in my border! I am not very happy about this and the culprit certainly didn’t deserve his trip up to the village green last night where there was a hog roast and dance. And …. the very kind hog roast man gave him the pig’s tail to crunch. I’ve forgiven him now though, after all Ben’s usually very well-behaved. It’s much more likely that if there’s mischief afoot it’s that naughty Miss Daisy, who has been surprisingly good all week! She’s probably planning her naughtiness for the days ahead!
Hi Helen,
How talented you are; your needle-felted animals are gorgeous – I can see why you’ve caught the bug for making them.
I’m still smiling at the picture you conjured up in your blog of Ben with a pig’s tail in his mouth! What did Miss.Daisy think of this?
Happy needle-felting,
Thanks so much Diana and … I’m afraid that naughty Miss Daisy wasn’t included in our excursion. She and Tilly had to wait at home as they are both far too mischievous and excitable to take to an evening event with food, music, dancing and young children playing ball games! They were left with nice treats though that didn’t stop a mega-sulk situation developing when they realised what Ben had been doing! xx
I love your needle-felted critters! I am allergic to wool so cannot do that but I will be looking for them on your etsy site – I can admire them from nearby as long as I don’t handle them. And, the drawing of Ben and daisy is so sweet, they look so innocent, even though we all know they are capable of mischief!
Thanks so much Glenna – yes indeed they are capable of mischief and it only gets worse when Tilly, Rosie’s young goldendoodle visits – she has the brains while my two have the size and determination! A fearsome combination indeed haha!! xx