Again I must begin by thanking everyone for their kind wishes for Miss Daisy’s wellbeing. I am completely overwhelmed and so appreciative of all your caring and generosity at such a difficult time for my furry friends and I. Sadly, after a good beginning, Daisy is no longer reacting as well to the drugs so her vet is trying different combinations to try and find the dosages that will work best for her. She’s still enjoying all the extra attention though, and is particularly pleased to have “trained” me to offer her tablets hidden in chunks of tuna! Ben is also very pleased by this development. (the furry twosome behave rather like very young children so to avoid jealousy if I give something to one then the other must have some too). He LOVES tuna!
Alongside all this canine activity I am still packing of course. My workroom is all safely sorted, folded and tucked into large cardboard cartons, and now it’s time to move downstairs to begin rolling rugs and wrapping pictures. Moving day is in exactly one week’s time – in fact by this time next Tuesday we should be in our new home. But I’m getting ahead of myself! While sorting through my scraps I came across several copies of a little book I put together some time ago …

And no, I have no idea whatsoever what they were doing buried in my scrap basket! So Rosie decided to offer them as a giveaway both on Facebook and Instagram. She will post them anywhere in the world, so if you’d like the chance to win a copy then please just CLICK HERE to enter on Instagram and CLICK HERE for Facebook.
Finally .. I’m delighted to have completed the last softie in my Wind in the Willows inspired series – Ratty, seen here with the others in the series….
He’s different to earlier rats I’ve designed, with shorter legs, less pointed snout, smaller ears and nice markings on his limbs and tummy. His pattern will be in the July issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine, so watch out for him then!
Many thoughts and prayers are sailing your way that the right combination of pills can be found for Daisy….I’m so glad that she’s happily taking her medicine!
XXX Linda
Thank you Linda, though I must admit I am not fond of tuna, so to find myself squashing it into bite-sized, pill-containing mouthfuls is not my idea of fun! But it’s worth it! xx
Oh I’m late reading this update regarding Daisy, what an emotional roller coaster you are on. Such a disappointment about Daisy meds but I suppose it is trial and error until her vet finds the right combination. Hopefully it won’t be too long before that happens. We are all routing for her as you know, so fingers crossed she’ll be feeling better very soon. xx
Thank you, but yes you’re right, our vet did explain it might take 2 or 3 weeks to find the combination she’ll do best on, so we’re a long way from giving up yet! xx
Dear Helen,
Sorry to hear dear ‘little’ Daisy’s not so well again – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the vet can sort out her drugs for her. Poor you, having to cope with moving house as well as a poorly Miss Daisy – I really do feel for you all and sincerely hope that everything goes without a hitch next week.
Lots of love and hugs, especially for Miss Daisy, not forgetting Ben of course,
Thanks Diana, and I’ll be sure to pass on your hugs. xx
Your vet sounds very much like ours, willing to go the extra mile and leaves no stone unturned. I am sure he/she will find just the right combination of drugs for Daisy.
I must try tuna with our boys. They love sardines and I can hide lots of things in them- just think of the lovely shiny coats as well – haha.
Love and Sunshine to all of You
Thanks Pam, yes she’s in good hands. But I think the local shopkeepers are beginning to wonder quite why I’m purchasing so much tuna!
I think the shopkeepers will think you are secretly feeding a bunch of cats! I never imagined Daisy and Ben liking tuna so much, but it sounds great that you can put the meds in it to get her to take them. Hoping the vet can work out the right combination soon.
Me too! And after all Newfies were originally fishermens’ dogs so I guess it’s not surprising they love fish so much! xx
I think my Mum (Pam) has emailed you as very similar story with her Newfie. They decided to stop all the medication in the end as were having never ending trips to the vets and he lived for another 2 years quite happily although a bit of a plodder(obviously not generally advised but seemed to work for him). Love the blog and looking forward to starting some of my recent etsy purchases of yours :-). Zoe
Hi Zoe – yes thanks, she sort of did – she said she was away and couldn’t send a long email but would be in touch when she returned home. Any help and advice gratefully received. xx
Oh my gosh Helen!, You are going through some dramatic changes. I’m also a little late in catching up on all this news about Daisy and your move. Life does throw us a curve ball at times doesn’t it. My thoughts and prayers are with you all! Sending you my support and friendship across the ocean…..
Thank you Laura, so kind of you xx
It makes my heart heavy when I read about Daisy, I’m a push-over for any animal. I hope she’s feeling better& Ben & Daisy can have alot of good times. I always look forward to when you post their pictures. Take care.
[email protected]
Thanks Kathy, I hope so too xx
Still thinking of you all and hope Daisy’s meds get sorted very soon. Hope moving day goes really well and you all soon settle in to your new home – sending hugs & best wishes.xx