And, just like that, the summer is at an end. There are sunflowers in my vase, plump and juicy blackberries still to gather, though the harvest is nearly over, and Grandma Holiday Club closed its doors with a triumphant flourish – a trip to Weymouth beach with Freddie, Florence and, most excitingly of all, Grandad! We paddled (me and Florence), swam (Freddie and Grandad) and enjoyed fish and chips and ice creams on the beach (all of us).
Grandad forgot his swimming trunks and, as it was a really warm and sunny day, decided not to bother about soggy bottoms and took to the water in his clothes. (just his shorts, not every item of clothing, but to listen to Florence tell everyone about it when we got home you’d think he’d been dressed in a three-piece suit and overcoat – she was absolutely delighted with this definitely non-grown up behaviour!)
Amidst all this excitement however, I did manage to publish the September Magazine….

Which definitely has a bit of an autumnal feel. As well as the Christmassy part two of my Advent Calendar, I’ve tried to think a bit more about gifting and being thrifty in re-using or repurposing item. So the Project Bag is actually made from a couple of tea towels, whilst the Little Red Hen pin cushion uses only the tiniest amount of felt scraps and would be a great gift idea I think. There’s also a couple of autumn motifs – great for personalising items for yourself or others and, the gloriously self-indulgent Autumn Bouquet hoop with its rich autumnal colours. I particularly enjoyed researching the “Smarty Pants!” article about knickers (quite a recent development as it turns out) and hope that readers will enjoy it too.
Subscribers should already have received their copy, but if you haven’t seen it yet then please do let me know. If you’re not a subscriber and would like to learn more then please just CLICK HERE to visit the magazine page, or you can purchase the September (and other individual back issues) HERE.
Finally, I am currently considering a couple of new ideas/projects and would be grateful for your comments…..

First idea is ….. I am wondering about introducing audio into the free newsletter – not every week, but from time to time. I know I love to listen when I stitch and I wondered if you might feel the same? It would only be me, at least to begin with, and would most probably be me talking about life here at Station House including, as well as stitching, nature and gardening notes, chickens, dogs and other things that come to mind/interest me.

And secondly …. I am working on a new pattern – the wheel of the year inspired by the changing seasons and festivals we enjoy as we travel through the months. I’ve drawn up, although haven’t yet stitched, the first four months and I wondered whether to include the pattern as instalments within the magazine or publish it as a completely new design outside of the magazine. Would you like to see it in kit form? Or just the printed panel? (It will fit a 10″ hoop when it’s finished). Thank you for any suggestions or thoughts you may have.
I love the wheel of the year idea. I’d prefer it to be separate from the magazine, but I do like the instalment idea
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I’ve been asked for all possible variations of the wheel of the year design, so still thinking about how to offer that – and the response to audio was overwhelmingly positive, so that too will be going ahead a little later in the year.
I can’t wait til your wheel of the year pattern is available. I’ve been stalking the newsletters to see if you have released it yet. I just love seeing the snippets.
Thanks so much Jan, it will be available by the end of November – just in time for some lovely Christmas stitching! x