Today was a day of brilliant sunshine, though the wind is so cold. The tide was low, so I wrapped up warm and took the Newfies down to Beesands. This beach suffered terribly in last year’s storms, but has made a good recovery, indeed it’s even nicer now as a lot of the sand from beaches further west, such as Lannacombe and South Milton, has been washed along to Beesands instead. The sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sunlight sparkled on the water …

That’s looking towards Start Point, and you can just see the lighthouse if you look carefully. The Newfies had to swim of course, but much to their disappointment no amount of persuasion would entice me into the water! Instead I was content to sit and watch as they splashed around ….

And, most unusually, I was able to persuade Ben to look at the camera for his photo. He’s actually a bit camera-shy and always looks away when I’m trying to take his picture. But not today – what a handsome fellow!
Then home again to finish uploading the May issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine. Publication day is Thursday so do watch out for it then. And remember, if you’d like a printed copy, then you can just head on over to Amazon (worldwide) and search for “Bustle & Sew Magazine” to see all the available issues.

I usually upload each month a few days after I send out everybody’s digital version, and there are quite a few issues available now.
Ben is indeed a handsome fellow! He also seems quite pleased with the sunny but cool beach day….I’m sure that’s a smile!
XXX Linda
Yes, I think it is – probably because he’s holding a pebble in his mouth and thinks I haven’t noticed – but I have. I watch him like a hawk after his pebble swallowing problems last year – he hasn’t learned his lesson at all!
A very handsome boy!
And he knows it!!