It’s time to introduce the first of August’s very talented makers … Chrissy of Dainty Cheeks Boutique who creates lovely pieces for children from her home in Ohio.

Chrissy told us that her business officially started once she had herdaughter. She’d previously worked for a knitwear company and acquired a ton (understatement) of sweaters. She looked in her closet when her baby was just a few days old, wondering if they’d ever fit again – I know exactly what you mean Chrissy! – but then had the urge to create something beautiful for her new little one.

Aren’t they adorable?! And absolutely unique – I love Chrissy’s style, especially all those little pink softie cheeks – thinking of which, we asked her how she chose her business name and she told us …
“When my daughter was born, her “dainty cheeks” were the first things that my mom pointed out as we were admiring all of her little features.”
Ahhhh … and what a lucky little girl to have such a talented mum! If you’d like to see more of Chrissy’s work, then please do pop over to her shop on Etsy, and you can keep up to date with all the Dainty Cheeks Boutique news over on her Facebook page.
Thanks so much for being a part of the August issue Chrissy.
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