In the July issue of Bustle & Sew Magazine we were delighted to feature an interview with Olive LaFarge from Intellectual and Rotten. Olive is a Mexican American Graphic Designer and Fiber Artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Her work explores a range of topics from self love to floral illustrations. She meticulously hand stitches each fiber arts piece and pours her passion and joy into every single stitch.

We asked Olive if there was anything she wishes she had known before she started her own business. She told us;
“In hindsight, I wish that I had invested more time researching and learning about what it takes to run a small business – logistically, financially and emotionally. I sort of just dove right into it without having a good sense of the amount of time and hard work it would take to get it moving. I’ve come to realize that I absolutely love operating Intellectual And Rotten and am constantly pushing myself to learn and grow not only as an artist but as a small business owner. I constantly hustle to better myself, my craft, and my business.”

With that in mind, we asked Olive if she had any advice for anyone thinking about starting their own business…
“I would advise others to organize, educate, and prepare themselves to fully commit to starting their own business. While it is a challenging and sometimes exhausting venture, every victory, no matter how small, has made every single moment of doubt, stress, and struggle worth it. I get to live out my passion every single second that I put into Intellectual And Rotten and I wouldn’t change any part of my journey!”
Be sure to pop over to Olive’s Etsy shop and check out all her gorgeous products, you can also find her on Instagram too!
You can read the full interview with Olive in the July issue of Bustle & Sew Magazine
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