In the February issue of Bustle & Sew Magazine we were delighted to feature the very talented Sarah from Sarah J Perry Designs. Sarah is a multimedia artist who depicts birds, animals and their habitats on natural materials such as vintage fabrics, wood and ceramics. She is best known for her finely embroidered work, and is expanding her repertoire to include other media, but still adhering to her love of nature for inspiration.

Sarah gave some wonderful advice to anyone thinking of starting up their own business – she told us;
“If anyone is aspiring to do anything, not just sewing, then try it. Go to a class or read about it and give it a go. Life is too short not to do everything you want to do. I have people that say ‘I would love to do that but I can’t sew’. My reply is always the same: ‘Can you thread a needle?’ ‘Can you push a needle through a piece of fabric and pull it back out again?’ ‘Then you can make anything I make!’ Have faith in your own abilities my friends!”

We also asked Sarah about her proudest achievements since starting her own business…
“I have so many moments that I am immensely proud of. Occasions when I have been invited to exhibit or speak at a wonderful venue with great people; Every time I sell a piece I’m thrilled that someone loves the work as much as I do; I get so much pleasure when I teach someone who feels they can’t sew to produce the most amazing piece of work; Being commissioned by a fashion designer to create a piece for her clothing range to be shown in London and Los Angeles; Having my work selected for shows, exhibitions, curated selling sites such as Made By Hand Online or published articles. These give me confidence that I am working in the right direction.”
Do be sure to pop over to Sarah’s website and have a little look at all her lovely makes. You can also find her on Facebook!
Read the full interview in the February issue of Bustle & Sew Magazine.
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