I often think that one of the nicest things about being a “making” sort of person is the opportunity to create items that sometimes turn out to be rather attractive from very little indeed. And I think this is true of the final project for the July issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine – an extremely useful (and pretty) bulletin board ….

I’ve seen lots of tutorials for bulletin boards online, but they all seem to involve hammers, chipboard and tacks – not items that a stitcher like me has readily to hand. My version is created from a repurposed picture frame, leftover batting, half an Ikea tea towel, ribbon, floss and buttons. Not a hammer in sight!

And the high-loft polyester batting gives a lovely effect I think. I was very taken with Ikea’s tea towels and so I purchased a couple of packs – they’re pure cotton and you get two large towels for just £4.75. I did note that there is 4% shrinkage – so pre-washing will definitely be required if I decide to use my remainng towels in a project that will require future laundering.
I don’t enjoy the Ikea experience at all (Rosie still insists on embarassing me by telling everyone about the time I got lost looking for the trolley park and went around twice!), but I do like the purchases we make, including these lovely lanterns seen here waiting patiently in my log store for their moment of glory.

They’ll be perfect to decorate my garden for some pre-wedding entertaining!
Your log store looks lovely with the lanterns!
WOW Helen, lovely!!!! I’ve been thinking of making a board for ages but always put it off, now seeing this has made me stop dithering and to get on with it. Love the fabric but like you I don’t enjoy the Ikea thing at all, having said that I have bought some great items there, more their kitchen/household wares, not the furniture.
Looking forward to the July issue, not long to wait now. LOL
Best wishes for Saturday, am sure you’ll treasure every moment and I have to congratulate you on the beautiful sewing you’ve being doing for it lately. Although I don’t always reply, I do look at your posts, Rosie and Dan must be so proud of you. Have a lovely day and wishing Rosie and Dan a happy and joyful life together.
Kathleen XX
Gorgeous!! And p.s. I do not like shopping at IKEA either but sometimes the prices are right! The last item I bought I purchased online!
Hi Helen,
Just to send you and your family my very best wishes for the Big Day on Saturday – do share some photos with us. What a shame Ben and Miss Daisy won’t be there but I can understand that they might just take over! Only a few hours to wait for the next Bustle and Sew – as I’ve said before, B&S is a fantastic mag. and I don’t know how you do it all, but I’m very glad you do.
Hi Helen, The bulletin board is really useful and decorative, I have just been reading your new magazine thank you for a lovely collection of projects and ideas. I think my first choice would be the little fox in the hoop that one is so sweet.
All the best for the big day, I am sure you will have a lovely time.