First sighting of rare bird species previously unknown in Chillington – the Floral Feedsack Bird!! Visiting their natural habitat – the Fabric Birdhouse Clock …

.. the last pattern for this month’s Bustle & Sew Magazine. I’ve already shown you the One Sunny Morning Applique pictures and Springtime Quilted Cushion Cover and the only completed project left to share now is the Rosie & Bear Alphabet Sampler. It’s all finished, but I am awaiting the arrival of its frame before I photograph it properly. So here to be going on with is another quick peek at Bear …

Now all I have to do is finish writing up the patterns and assemble the magazine. It’s out next Thursday, so no time to lose (and Ben’s off to the groomer’s this afternoon so I shall have some peace and quiet!). If you’d like to know more about the magazine then please click here – it’s great value at just $5.50 each month for subscribers, or you can purchase back copies here at $10 each.
Love the birdhouse clock
Will we see a picture of Ben looking smart?
Julie xxxxxxx
Maybe … he hates smelling like a girl and looking fluffy, so he stays smart for about 10 nanoseconds!! I will do my best, but can’t promise good results 😉
What a sweet Birdhouse Clock! It’s a wonderful idea and so cheerful in all the bright spring fabrics! It even appears to have binding! Adorable!
The next issue sounds excellent, filled with so many fun projects, and I can’t wait to see the Rosie and Bear Sampler completed. I fell in love with the very first picture you shared, Helen.
X Linda
I can’t wait for the final reveal of the Rosie and Bear Alphabet Sampler.
Looks like another bumper magazine issue is in store for us.
I’m looking forward to next week and the new magazine!