Whatever has happened to the month of April? I think I blinked and missed it! It’s funny how time doesn’t run at a smooth and regular rate … March seemed to be around forever, full of cold grey days and spring so slow to arrive. But April has positively flown past, full of blue skies and blossom and tomorrow is publication day for the May Magazine.

The projects in this month’s issue are inspired by the new season, including my personal favourite, the
little cat with blossoms. Rosie serves up spring on a plate in her recipe corner, and our Meet the Maker
features Becca Hall, an extremely talented illustrator. You can also enjoy some classic fiction and poetry, discover how to choose your embroidery hoop, and I’ve shared my top tips for working from home too.
Just click on the image below for a full preview ….
If you’re an existing subscriber then please do watch out for your magazine arriving in your inbox tomorrow morning. If you aren’t a subscriber and would like to find out more then please just CLICK HERE to visit our magazine page.
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