Oh my goodness, I cannot believe this weather! As I sit here typing I can hear the rain beating on my conservatory roof whilst two very bored newfies are snoozing at my feet. They would be quite happy to go for their daily walk in this weather of course and regard my unwillingness to step out into the downpour as totally incomprehensible (rather like my declining their invitation to indulge in a little sea bathing – in February!). The rain hasn’t stopped all day, and yesterday I even found a tiny froglet swimming around in the dogs’ outside water bowl. I tipped him out and he hopped away quite happily! At least it is’t cold, though a polar bear has appeared in the conservatory …..

Although I say it myself, I think he’s rather adorable! He’s the final pattern for the September issue of the Magazine which is published on Thursday. I have been wanting to make a nursery rug – or throw – for some time now, and have been playing around with ideas for a while. His body is a lovely scruffy looking white faux fur (and there are some tips for working with fur fabric in the magazine too) whilst his underside is quilted for softness and stability. He has two lovely shiny black safety eyes and a button nose. I am thinking of making a fox or possibly a badger version in the coming months – please let me know if this might be a pattern you’d like. As well as the polar bear, there are of course five more Bustle & Sew projects in the September issue ….

Including my first Christmas pattern for this year! You’ll also see an elephant trophy head amongst the other designs. I haven’t created any heads for some time now, having been quite upset by an email I received earlier this year. The writer accused me (by making these heads) of teaching children to regard animals as commodities acceptable to use as decorations for our homes without any regard for their lives and well being. I tried to respond, but the email address she gave was rejected as unavailable, so I couldn’t write back and explain my point of view which is …. These are just fun creations crafted from cruelty free materials – felt, toy stuffing and plastic – and in my opinion if they teach anything (which I’m not at all sure they do), it is that we can appreciate animals’ beauty without having to harm them in any way. I would NEVER have a real trophy head or polar bear rug in my house, though if Daisy digs ANOTHER hole in my lawn I might be tempted!!

Just feeling a bit bored mum – wish it would stop raining!
Mind you – that’s just given me an idea – what about some dog breed heads? Just off now to make a few notes and sketches! Meanwhile, if you’re a subscriber, don’t forget to watch out for the September Magazine arriving in your inbox on Thursday. And if you’re not a subscriber and would like to find out more, then please just CLICK HERE to visit our magazine page.
If it is any consolation it is the same here!
That was rather rude re your crafted animal heads especially as you are not given a chance to reply.
Love the Polar Bear rug, one day I will make it!
Julie xxxx
Thanks Julie xx
Love the nursery rug! Maybe for Risie per chance?! 😉
Oops, Rosie!
Haha! But Rosie is 26 years old – a bit old for my polar bear! xx
Will the pattern for the bear be available without a subscription to the magazine. I would love to make this for our grandson who will be born in Nov. Thanks.
Hi Cathy, yes it will – I will list the individual patterns after the magazine is published. Just a thought though – the pattern alone will be $6.50, but a three month trial of the magazine is just $1 more at $7.50! And congratulations on your new grandson. xx
What an adorable polar bear rug. And I have a friend who’s pregnant to make it for. I look so forward to this magazine each month. The Newfie looks so sad about the lack of a walk in the rain.
Aw, thanks so much Jennie. Yes, she does look bored, I think we were all a bit fed up of the rain by then! xx
Olá, perdi as 2 últimas publicações de Natal…..seria possível enviá-las?
Desde já, obrigada!
Amo seu blog, seus trabalhos, seu país e só não sou assinante porque nossa moeda(real)é muito fraca perante a libra.
felicidades e, se precisar de algo aqui do Brasil, é só falar!
bjs, Eva
Thank you Eva, lovely to hear from Brazil!! xx
I love you animal heads. The person who wrote that email is nuts! Real ones are awful, but yours are no different than having a stuffed bear on a shelf or even an animal picture on the wall, it’s just displayed a little differently. Did they think live animals were harmed in the making of your version?
Aw, thanks Jen. I’m not sure what she thought – but it was upsetting not to be able to respond with my own point of view. Like you, I think they’re fun and I would never display a real trophy head. xx