Goodness me, it’s windy today! We’re currently experiencing Storm Ciara trekking across the country bringing strong winds and LOTS of rain – and whilst I know this is relatively mild compared to weather systems elsewhere in the world – to us here in sleepy Somerset it feels quite violent and a little bit scary. Even the dogs, comfortably settled on what used to be MY armchair, weren’t too eager to venture outside….

Snuggled down together so happily! It’s definitely a time to stay indoors, preferably with a little stitching in hand, and so seems a great day to launch our newest kit….

The Dove of Peace pattern from this month’s Bustle & Sew Magazine. Sometimes the world seems a very scary place, the news headlines are full of conflict and disaster and closer to home my own country has been divided by the issue of Brexit, amongst others. This little dove represents my hope for the future, that we can begin to learn to live in harmony together – or in my own family as we’ve said regarding Brexit, “agree to differ” in peace. The design is really easy to stitch, using only back stitch, running stitch and satin stitch.
This is our first new kit for some time, as Rosie (who is the brains behind the kits) has been on maternity leave for a while. I do hope you’ll like it though – it’s been carefully assembled here at Bustle & Sew HQ by me – and a lot of love and care for the contents has gone into it. Each kit contains everything you need to stitch your own dove of peace hoop….
Good quality white cotton fabric pre-printed with the design (please note the sample was stitched on felt so it’s not exactly the same)
Genuine DMC stranded cotton floss
5″ embroidery hoop
Full stitching instructions
You will need your own scissors though.

And, to welcome our new kit onto our Etsy store shelves, we’ve currently reduced the price of all in-stock kits by 15% for one week only. (that’s them above) Just click here to visit our Etsy store – you don’t need a code – the discount has already been applied.
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