I think I have been the world’s worst blogger lately – my only excuse is that I’ve been really busy with bunting and new season’s stock. I don’t think I’d ever be very good as a mass wholesaler (just as well really! who would be starting to think of Easter projects about now) as I find that my work is heavily influenced by the seasons – by the colours, texture and even smells of the natural world all around me. The countryside here is looking very beautiful now as the leaves are turning and the fields change from gold to a beautiful reddish brown as the farmers plough in the stubble and my thoughts turn to vintage linen, Welsh blanket, tweed and plaids.
I’ve just listed my first ever embroidery kit on DevonBear Designs – in keeping with the season it’s a 1930’s inspired Scotty dog guarding his Master’s slipper stitched in red on vintage linen. I’ve given him a border of vintage Welsh blanket and soft autumnal hued Vanessa Arbuthnott fabric and set him in a cream mount. I’m really pleased with how he turned out.

If you’d like to stitch my Scotty, then please email me on [email protected] and I’ll send you the design printed onto a panel of vintage linen, together with fabric pieces to make up the border for just £6 including p&p. This is a special for blog readers, I’m not selling this mini version of the kit anywhere else.
If you’d like to download the pdf to print for yourself – then please click here. It’s absolutely free – but please respect my copyright and don’t use it for commercial purposes.
Happy sewing everyone!
Your work is lovely. I especially love the 50's look it gives.
Hi. I just wanted to clarify on your embroidery design. This is a vintage design that was created many years ago. It is not a new design. It is not
“vintage-inspired”. I’m wondering about your comment “respect my copyright” as this isn’t your design at all.
Hi again. This pattern is from “Woman’s Weekly, October 30, 1937”. You really shouldn’t be trying to pass it off as your own design.
Hi Molly
Thanks for raising your concerns. This post is nearly six years old now, and I was selling the Scottie kits and just giving away the pattern. I don’t think I said anywhere that the image was my own design. I did however scan and tidy up a very tatty old transfer and my understanding is that my restored version is my copyright.
That being said however, as you quite correctly state, the original version is indeed in the public domain, so if anyone else wants to scan, spend a couple of hours tidying up the image and then post for others to share, or indeed make items to sell from their own copy, then there’s no reason why they can’t do this. They couldn’t however do that with my version, they need to do the work themselves.
The kit and method of stitching was indeed inspired by the 1930s design, and I really can’t see where I’ve claimed the actual Scottie as my own work.
Hope this clarifies things
I went to the website to download the printable pdf of this darling scottie, however, it is no longer there. Would you be so kind to email it to me? I only wish to embroider 1 for myself.
Thank you in advance!
I’m sorry Laura, no it isn’t any more as I changed website hosting and didn’t move a lot of the older freebies over (it’s seven years ago – can hardly believe it!) I’ve had a little sort through my files, but I can’t find it I’m afraid. But it is a vintage design so you may be able to find it elsewhere on line. Apologies for disappointment.