As a bonus, everyone who enters the draw will receive a pdf of the embroidery transfers for vintage ballerinas together with instructions for working. Clearly these young ladies have not been eating too much chocolate at Easter! I think they’re just so pretty and can see them on a whole range of items …
I’ve also been working hard on my latest embroidery design. Once again I’ve been inspired by the Alice in Wonderland story and have come up with the dormouse fast asleep under a rather large toadstool –
I’m really pleased with how my dormouse has turned out – he looks so sleepy and cuddly. The pattern is on offer in my Etsy shop as a downloadable if you want to try him for yourself – and I think he’d look just as nice in outline stitch if you’re a bit pushed for time.
And finally I just want to say thanks so much everyone who has taken the time to leave comments on my last few posts – I don’t always have time to reply to them all, but I love reading them ……
Good luck in the draw – remember Benjamin is looking for a kind new home.
Benjamin looks so sweet and I just love the doormouse picture
Benjamin it's very nice. I like him.
I love the bunny!
I did your applique house/covered notebook tutorial recently.
It's on my blog a few posts back!
I entered but I didn't get my ballerinas…what am I doing wrong?
well, i am new to your blog, but i LOVE your incredible generosity and all the creativity and inspiration you share! 🙂 thanks for the opportunity to win this adorable bunny!!
Thank you so much for the rabbit pattern. So cute!!!
Hi everyone – if you enter the draw and have trouble downloading your ballerinas please be patient. I try to keep costs down for my giveaways which means that I don't always have enough bandwidth available at busy times. If you really can't get them, then please do email me [email protected] and I'll send them to you as a pdf. Thanks for entering. Good luck! Ellie
Was für ein knuffiger kleiner Kerl.
Passt wunderbar zu Ostern
Liebe Grüsse aus Germany Gaby
Benjamin is really cute! You make beautiful things and my favourites are the bunnies.
Thanks for the chance to win
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Oh Ellie, Benjamin is so sweet. If he came to live with me, I promise I would feed him chocolate every day – but just a little, so he could keep his svelte figure.
The ballerinas are beautiful!
he is so sweet!
i love the colorse you use in your beautiful creations
Thank you once again for kindness.
Jille x
I adore Benjamin,he has me searching my patterns to find a rabbit pattern for my granddaughter!
I love all the freebies you give away on your blog 🙂
Also your blog is so colorful, and happy! You have so many beautiful projects going all the time. I really enjoy stopping by! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for doing the giveaway, and for the ballerinas! My daughter will love those on a pillow for her room!
lovely Benjamin, we could give a lovely new home x
I LOVE Benjamin (my hubby's name!) and I love your little Benjamin. My Sunshine would very much enjoy snuggling with him while her Daddy's at work! 🙂 I'm eager to receive the ballerina download. My middle child will LOVE it and it'll be perfect for her handwork! She loves ballerinas so much the child will walk tippy toe like 'to practice'!!!
I also love the monthly bunnies. I think they'll be nice for the children to work & then make into a quilt to give as a gift come Christmas or next Easter…honestly I'll just keep it. After all how could a mama get rid of something like that!?! 😉
Benjamin bunny is so cute! Thank you for the ballerine's and sending such a lovely newsletter! I'm going to make the bunny quilt,and post it to my blog.The Dormouse Thea Cosy is nearly finished and so is the noteboek
You are so talented and I love all your patterns!
Benjamin is just so cute,you have a lovely blog,I will be back to visit again. Happy days.
He is adorable. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful designs with us.
More loveliness from you, Talented Lady! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with the rest of us.
Lovely Bunny! I would take care of him 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity.
Do I know what you mean about daughters talking to mothers as though the mother was five years old! My daughter is just the same and she is in her thirties – cheeky monkies.
I am going to use some of your embroidery patterns as inspiration for Easter cards, to paint for special friends.
I like B & S, you have so many comments that I rarely leave one. I admire the way you have created an industry from your skills and your blog is also entertaining, very important.
I love Devon, very lovely. I am also lucky enough to live in a lovely part of the country, Chichester.
Please put my name in the hat for Bunny. Not a collector of soft toys, he is such a cutie and I have the place for him.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the Handcraft category today [17 Mar 12:53pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria