My Calendar Bunnies extended pattern book is finished! It contains the original pattern for each month (original and reversed to suit your preferred method of transfer), full stitching instructions, DMC floss colours, instructions for piecing the quilt top and even two little bunny templates so you can include your own bunnies in your stippling if you wish. It has 56 pages, with lots of photos to help you stitch your bunnies and the finished quilt would make a beautiful gift for a lucky child, or simply to keep for yourself (mine looks lovely on the sofa in the kitchen).

The Calendar Bunnies Pattern Book is now listed on the quilting page of this site. And to celebrate its launch I’m having a giveaway and special offer. The special offer is easy – just enter the code BUNNYBOOK at checkout and you will receive an enormous 50% off any single order placed until midnight Sunday 13 May 2012 (BST).
Now the giveaway …. you’ll see in the photo above that I have stitched my bunnies onto vintage linen panels. These were cut from 100 year old European mangle cloths, made from wonderful quality pure linen which is absolutely fantastic to work with.
The giveaway prize is 12 panels of this vintage linen, which I will pre-print for you with the bunny pictures all ready to stitch, together with a downloadable copy of the Bunnies Calendar Quilt Pattern Book.
And if you’re the winner and have already purchased your Calendar Bunnies Book using your 50% discount code: BUNNYBOOK then don’t worry, I’ll simply refund the purchase price.
You can enter the giveaway by leaving a comment below – and just for fun please say which bunny you like best and why. The giveaway closes at the same time your discount code expires – midnight on Sunday 13 May 2012 British Summer Time and the winner will be chosen by random selection. I am happy to post the linen anywhere in the world.
Good luck everyone!
I think I like March and December best, although my favourite bunnies are still the ones you’ve machined into your quilt.
Please count me in! I love all the Bunnies for their individuality!
But……if I had to choose it would have to be April. My birthday is in the middle April!
Julie xxxxxxxxxxx
Your quilt is gorgeous and what a fab giveaway. I think my favourite has to be December as I love Christmas
Jackie x
I love your quilt! I have to say that April is my favorite. Hope I win!
Have to say June is my favourite……….l but I love them ALL!!!
My birthday’s in July and I just love the July bunny in his striped bathing suit!
I so love bunnies-they remind me of our pet rabbit Pipkin. The whole set is charming! I like the way March is depicted—windy March. What a beautiful, special give-away!
All the bunnies are so very darling it is hard to decide! I guess I will choose October with the cute jack o lanterns! Thanks!
The quilt is beautiful and all of the bunnies are so cute.
My birthday is December but I am loving the little October bunny best just because I love pumpkins.
My favorite bunny is October! That’s when I was born and I just love the pumpkins!
Absolutely sweet, they remind me of my childrens Bunnykins china sets. I have a soft spot for the little Trick n Treater of the October panel.
How am I supposed to choose? They are all so awesome in their own way. You did a great job on them all!
The vintage linen panels in your quilt are exquisite! What lovely, generous gifts you’re offering to one lucky follower! I’m looking forward to beginning my bunny quilt and will start with January, the skating bunny, my favorite. I loved to skate in my younger years when I felt more flexible and also bounced much higher when I fell! Then on to November, the Thanksgiving bunny, celebrating our holiday here in the United States.
Thank you, Helen, for offering the give-away! I’m off to purchase my Bunny Book ……..!
X Linda
It has to be the Mad March Hare (Bunny) for me,,, with December a close 2nd. It is a wonderful quilt!!!
I like all the bunnies but I think October’s is my favorite. Why? Pure whimsey!
🙂 Linda
What a brilliant offer, I’d love to win. My favourite has to be August, my birthday month, I love the fishing bunny in his checkered top.
I absolutely adore all of the elegant bunnies!! I especially like the APRIL bunny carrying the umbrella for the April Showers to come!
choosing a bunny is like trying to choose a favourite child! They all are special in their own way..just like your bunnies. And each one has something unique. Congratulations on all the effort you have put into this quilt and the gentle colours even though there is vibrancy.
I love the July bunny! Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to win these, I have never used linen before! I like April because it’s my Birthday but I also like July! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love bunnies so they look just gorgeous on your quilt. I love all your calendar bunnies, but my pick would have to be June for my month of birth. I’m always a sucker for June!!
My favourite is August! because that’s exactly what our family do each August!!
Oh! I just adore the whole quilt and am so looking forward to creating it for our new little grand-daughter. If I have to choose a favourite, it would have to be August. We live by the sea and I love fishing! The linen fabric sets the whole quilt off perfectly x
What a wonderful quilt. My favourite month is August…. carefree days catching fish, although we only had a net not a line!
Think I like the windswept march bunny the best! Lovely work! Sheila
Hello Helen,
Congrats on such a beauitfully finished quilt, it must have been so nice to embroider on the old linen. My favourite block is November closely followed by the December block.
Thanks so much for the entry into your giveaway.
Happy days.
Sweet bunnies! I am really fond of December. Reminds me of the spring bunnies in our yard that stretch up to snoop out the top of the large rocks in our yard.
I love the July Bunny with stripey swimming costume – lets hope we can all be like this soon. Would love to win!
please count me in too, I love them all, but if I had to choose it would be march, it rains so much here that I look like that most days
Oooh, love love love! Especially the May bunny with her wildflowers. 🙂
If I have to choose only one bunny I choose April…something about bunnies and springtime makes me smile!
All the Bunnies are gorgeous! I think I like August, the fishing Bunny best, proberly because I love fishing !
Beautiful quilt!
How fantastic, what a great giveaway, I would love to be entered!
i love March’s windy umbrella and of course December is so cute 🙂
Thank you so much for having a giveaway! I love all of your bunnies, but I will choose July as my favorite. It reminds me of our vacations at the beach in Maine.
Thank you for this cute giveaway, please count me in. Have a great weekend
What a lovely give-away! I couldn’t decide between the May bunny gathering all her flowers (spring is my favourite season) and the July bunny with her sweet black and white swimsuit. The suit makes her look so chic!
Hi i love the fishing bunnie, because we used to go fishing on weekends, that’s august!
Great Giveaway!
Very nice giveaway ! I love all the bunnies , March is supposed to be the month , but I like the July rabbit 🙂
Hard to choose- all are adorable , but I think March! The inside out umbrella is something that has happened to me!
This is a beautiful quilt (I love bunnies!!)
I really love July and May. They are super cute. I can’t decide which of these two is my favourite so I am listing both.
I would love to win the giveaway.
I adore this quilt! I would say February is my favorite as it is my birthday month and I used to have a little red sled when I was young.
Beautiful design, I do love bunnies, when we went out this morning there were three in the front garden!
I’d love to enter your giveaway but how to choose a favourite? I really like the tobogganing bunny for February but think my favourite would be the April one, so very apt for last month!
Carol xx
All the bunnies are adorable but I think I like March’s bunny the most right now. I think it is because I can relate to the inside out wind blown umbrella lol.
I plan on purchasing these patterns anyways, but what a great pattern. Looks like alot of fun to make! Please still enter me into the giveaway.
I have a one year old grand daughter who would love the bunny quilt. I love love the wonderful patterns you share with us and the stories of your beautiful newfie.
All the bunnies are precious, love the swimming and fishing bunnies. Thanks for sharing such a lovely prize. Ths would be so much fun to make.
Love the bunnies! They brighten up any day. I would love to win these blocks since I enjoy combining embroidery with quilting.
My favorite is August. It shows the relaxing days of summer – and it’s my birthday month! Love the bunnies!!
I love the October bunny best because fall and Halloween are my favorite times of the year! Thanks for this giveaway!
O, lovely bunnies, please enter my name in the drawing.
I just adore these little bunnies! My favorite is December…hanging ornaments on the tree. It’s my favorite holiday season. Thank you for an opportunity to win! Be especially blessed, Kathy
My favorite is November because I love Thanksgiving! Those bunnies that escaped into the machine quilting are adorable!
What a generous giveaway! I love the October bunny. I just love fall and that one is so cute with the pumkins.
I couldn’t get the images to enlarge, so I going to pick my fave from above- November!! A bunny in an apron?! The BEST!! Lovely patterns with a ture vintage feel.
What a charming quilt! I like the November block because that is my birth month and I love the bunny ears at full attention to getting the turkey on the table.
These embroidered bunnies are so sweet! I would have to say that November is my favorite bunny. I was married in the month of Nov., I was born in Nov. and I absolutely love decorating for Fall around the first of Nov. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
it’s so hard to pick a favorite, because each month is darling, but i think i have to say october, because that’s my birth month!
I love the quilt and the July bunny is my favourite.The bunnies swimming costume is so lovely.
How lovely ! I think my favourite are march (because we can really see the wind on this pannel), and july (because of bunny’s shirt !!!). But I love all of them !
I adore that quilt! I would love to get the book and definitely the linen. this would make such a great quilt to leave to my granddaughter.
My favorite block is December. It is such a magical time of year, no matter what your belief. Everyone seems kinder and gentler. Children are excited, parents are full of secrets. There is a hustle and bustle and the stress of everyday living seems to evaporate.
I have raised real life bunnies for the past 15 years, so this would be a wonderful quilt to make.
Love all the bunnies.
Delighted by all the bunnies.
I love these little vintage bunnies! In fact, I love them so much I bought the pattern a while back, but have yet to stitch them! I think the February bunny would have to be my favorite, as it is my birthday month. Thanks for the chance for this wonderful giveaway! Your quilt came out so cute!
I love all but my favorite is August.
Your work is amazing!
I definitely like the December bunny – Too cute !!
I love all of them . I love your blog! Thank you!
I am so happy I found you and your blog! I love this quilt and am partial to the July block as I am very anxious for some warm, summer weather! Oh, and it’s my birthday that month :-).
Have a wonderful weekend!
I especially love April, the month my husband and I were married. It was a beautiful day!
My favorite block would be December…. That is my Birthday.
I love July – for the lovely stripy swimsuit! That’s if you make me choose……. Vanessa.
please count me in. I love all your Bunnies.
Greeting Guilitta from Germany
They are all so cute. I was going to say October first because it is my birthday but then I saw the July bunny with the bathing suit. That one is my favorite!
Hi Helen: Thanks for offering this giveaway. I love this quilt and if I had to choose one block, it would be May with the spring flowers blooming. Have a great Mother’s Day!
This is such a lovely, and generous giveaway. All of the bunny months are really lovely. I guess if I had yo choose just one, it would be my birthday month, April. Bunny looks so cute holding his umbrella , and sheltering from those ” April Showers”! 🙂
april showers
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
How very cute! I think March is the cutest… of course that’s my birthday month.
I absolutely love these designs. I’m so partial to bunnies as we have one for 5 years already who lives in our house and is like a dog or cat sometimes. We absolutely love this guy and that’s probably why the Dec. block is my favorite as that’s when we picked him up and it reminds me of special times. LOVE your stuff , am very new to your blog, etc. and am enjoying it immensly!!
Ooo, I love the little bunny working in the garden, because that’s what I’m doing this spring! Worked on vintage linen would make him extra special.
Decemember bunny is my favorite bunny but it is hard to chose because they are so sweet.
I love the bunnies – your quilt is awesome! I would have to choose Oct- the pumpkin bunny ! thanks!
I find the March bunny to be very cute battling the wind! thanks!
I like the May bunny. My favorite month too. All are very cute.
I love all the bunnies, but August is my favorite as its my husbands birthday.
I like the October bunny best because Autumn is my favourite season, although here October is spring. They’re all cute really.
Love this quilt with these vintage bunnies! Picking a favorite is hard ~ really like the January bunny with the umbrella AND the July bunny in the swim suit, but like all the bunnies!
Thanks so much for the giveaway ~ I love linen!
it has to be February, my birthday so funny all the years i live in England my birthday was snow and cold , but now i live in Tasmania its really hot, love Bustle and Sew Enid
OH I love these bunnies! They are so cute! the quilt is lovely. I like the Oct. one best. thanks.
i love them all but the november one reminds me of roast chicken dinners which was a treat when i was growing up
What sweet bunnies! My favorites are May and July — May because of the pretty dress, and July because of the swimsuit. Thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
July is my favourite bunny. Looks like he’s getting ready for the olympics.
Adorable doesn’t come close to describing this adorable quilt. I would love to feel the linen! Wow. I am a sucker for sled, umbrellas and bunnies. August is birthday month for me – gone fishing says it all.
Big hug,
Thank you for offering the generous giveaway. My favorite is the July bunny jumping in to take a swim.
Fantastic quilt. I used to make craft items to sell with my best friend, Margaret. We called ourselves Happy Bunnies so I am biased and unable to select just one. I now live out side the UK & if I was lucky enough to win the giveaway I would donate to my friend.
They are all adorable but if I had to pick one…. I do love May, it’s so cute 🙂
How can you choose a favourite when they are all so adorable ?
October with such cute pumpkins if I really have to
They are all so cute! But I like August the best at the moment…I am looking forward to the summer months.
Just love the March bunny trying hard to hold on to her brolly in all the wind and rain. Reminds me of me the other day having a battle with the brolly, the brolly won and is now in the refuse bin!!!! xx
Gorgeous quilt. I have just bought the book but would love the vintage panels to stitch on. My favourite bunny is the June one.
Bunnies are so sweet and the hidden in the quilting ones are adorable. Reminds me of Peter rabbit and his friends
Love the bunny with the umbrella – just too cute! Although it was difficult to choose one since they are all so cute.34V7
The bunnies are very cute. All the summer ones attract me which is funny because I hate the summer heat. Maybe it is because they seem to be cooling off. I’ve never stitched on old linen before. It would be nice to have the chance. Thanks for such a loving giveaway of this beautiful fabric and all prepped and ready to go too.
I love the August Bunny fishing and the April Bunny with the umbrella! April is my birthday month! They are all so cute ♥
What a sweet quilt. It’s hard to pick a favorite bunny, maybe April or May, or maybe July 🙂 They’re all very cute.
Oh it looks amazing!
I wanted to do a quilt with them for so long, but I didn’t have the time yet!
I love all the bunnies but my favourites are May, July and December!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I love them all but I guess my favourite would have to be the July bunny because I just love the little stripedbathing costume. Thankyou for the chance to win this cute pattern.
I love them all but my favourite is November because I would love a bunny that does the cooking for me as I am not very good at it!
Love the little bunny hanging his Christmas stocking by the fire.Can just imagine the bunny family all cozy and snug in their little home.
What a generous gift,50% off. I’ve ordered plenty,inc the bunnies,there won’t be enough hours in the year!!!
As for my favorite bunny i would have to go for the december bunny,just because it simply the best time of the year. x
I love all the bunnies and the quilt is beautiful. My favorite would be April for the umbrella! So sweet.