Following on from my last post – today I took the dogs to the vet’s for their booster shots, and then realised that tomorrow it will be exactly a year since I brought Miss Daisy home. A year since the house was peaceful and quiet … a year since sewing/knitting/sandwiches or anything at all really could safely be left unattended. Although she has improved a lot, de-stuffing my Coastguard’s Cottages draught excluder remains a favourite occupation. The cottage at the end has been re-stitched several times and is definitely suffering from subsidence!
I would like to be able to type that she has grown and changed from a silly little puppy into a mature sensible young dog. However I cannot. I am afraid that I must type that she has grown and changed from a silly little puppy into an even sillier and totally not mature young dog. But she is so sweet-natured and loving it’s hard to remain cross with her for very long, whatever her latest misdeed might be. So here is Daisy’s year in pictures ….

With her much loved big brother never too far from her side. Happy Anniversary Daisy – here’s to the next 12 months!
I always look forward to tales/tails of Ben and Daisy. Their adventures would make a delightful children’s book. It’s amazing how one not so little dog can turn your world upside down.
Aw, thanks Katie – yes she is a little(!) pickle, but is very much loved by the whole family. xx
She is a lovely girl! She will grow up soon enough and isn’t she lucky she has such a devoted big brother!!!
It’s difficult to believe that she was ever wee! I love the third picture, Daisy and Ben on the beach — she is looking at him with adoring eyes. 🙂
How much she’s grown! And such a beauty now.
My god, how wonderful it is to see that these lovely animals are so loved and well treated. It’s also a pleasure to read the stories on these two and the way you connect with them, Helen.
Thanks for sharing your life with us. I feel lucky to have found this site and such a generous person and her lovely friends, Ben and Daisy.
Happy New Year to the three and to all readers of this amazing site!
Happy New Year Helen, hope it’s a happy and healthy one for you and yours.
I love reading stories of Ben and Daisy, so entertaining and they always bring a smile to my face. 🙂
Happy Anniversary to sweet Daisy and best wishes for many, many more!
XXX Linda
Thank you everyone for all your kind comments and good wishes. I will pass them onto Daisy(!)
What a little subsidence between friends! hee…hee….
Hi Helen,
What fabulous photos of Daisy’s year. She is just SO lovable. We have 2 long-coated black Alsatians (sisters, 3 years old) and, after looking at Daisy’s photos, I’m just wondering if ‘other half’ would notice if I slipped in a ‘Miss Daisy’ puppy! By the time he realised that the ears weren’t going to stand up it would be too late – what do you think?!!
All the best for 2014.
Go for it Diana!! What a lovely trio they would be lol xx