I am not really supposed to be blogging today. Following my operation I am supposed to be resting with my leg raised. (Ben and Daisy are staying in their favourite kennels for a few days to give my knee a chance to heal). But I simply had to share this moment with you ….

The staff at the hospital were lovely and took very good care of me. I had to have a general anaesthetic for my operation which was a bit scary, but I am pleased to report that all went well. However … on coming round I saw a nurse bending over me trying not to giggle. I was very surprised until she told me that my first word upon beginning to recover consciousness was …… chocolate!! Oooo the embarrassment!
Did they find you some chocolate……….?
Hope your knee feels better soon
Julie xxxxxxxxx
Better than saying something rude!!!
Hope you feel better soon! And never be embarrassed about chocolate:)!!
Chocolate cures everything, doesn’t it? I do know that chocolate always makes me feel better. Just be sure and don’t share with Ben and Daisy. LOL
Get well real soon, and know that healing prayers are being said for you.
Hi Helen, pleased you came through the op ok and you are now sitting with your leg up and taking it easy. And if anything is going to make you feel better it would be chocolate – of course!!
Take care.
Oh, puh-lease, there are likely a million more embarrassing words you could have used. Like cod liver oil or the contents of a cat box or something TRULY awful. Chocolate is edible, sports sneakers are not. 🙂 Hope your legs get aaaaaaaaaaaaall better. 🙂 Take care!
How cute of you! Glad all went well!
That’s just funny! Glad you came through all right and are on the mend. Great excuse for stitching, yes? And, have some chocolate!
Ha!! ha!!!!
I’m so glad to hear that your surgery is now behind you. Now begins the healing process, and in my opinion, chocolate (which is ALWAYS appropriate) is a great way to start!
XX Linda
Good to hear you’re on the mend & the dreaded surgery is done. Hope you are treating yourself to a few chocolates while you rest!
Ah, your body knows what it needs! Hope all goes well over the next few days.
LOL as other have said could have been worse. Glad to hear you’re home and healing well. Relax and enjoy that chocolate, best pick me up ever.
I think what you said was perfectly logical. You made it through surgery so you deserved a soothing treat! I do hope they took good care of you.
Hope things mend quickly and well. Do pay attention to the physical terrorists otherwise called physical therapists. They will get you back to normal faster than you thought possible.
And, I do hope that Daisy is a bit more gentle with you.
I hope you get well soon, and I’m sure chocolate will help =0) It works for most woman on earth!well, It works for me… ;0)
Helen, I hope your are recovering from your knee operation. I’ll bet Daisy is mortified that she hurt her mum. We have a large labrador and he loves us so much that he doesn’t know his strength. Best wishes to all!