It seems no time at all since I brought home a little fuzzy bundle of black fluff. But that was in January 2013, when Daisy was very small indeed ….

So tiny .. so adorable … and now that cute little bundle of fluff has turned into a very pretty young Newfie who celebrated her second birthday this weekend. Rosie was insistent that after the success of last year’s celebrations there should be another “pawty” and this year we welcomed a new guest – Miss Tilly, Rosie’s little goldendoodle puppy who wasn’t even born when Daisy had her last birthday!

Please excuse the blurriness of some of the pictures as the pawty goers were far too excited to sit still for their photos! First we went outside for party games, hoping to burn off some excess energy ….

But when Ben realised there was going to be cake he lost all interest in playing games…..

Though the birthday girl tried her hardest to distract him! So it was inside again for paws the pawsel. Here I’m starting them off with a pink tissue paper package …

The newfies were strongly of the opinion that Tilly was cheating, but in the end ….

….. as is only right, the birthday girl was the winner. Then it was time for cake (a special peanut butter-based dog recipe baked by Rosie)….

Before, all too soon, the pawty came to an end. The youngest pawty-goer was completely worn out ….

Though Daisy still had just about enough energy for one last pose in her special birthday bandana!

Happy birthday Daisy!!
Aw! That is pawsome!!
Many happy returns Rosie x
Daisy even -no idea why I typed Rosie!
Haha! That is funny Linda!xx
Happy Birthday Sweet Daisy. What a tiny little ball of fluff you were and now look, all grown up.
I can tell from the photos that you had a fantastic day and were thoroughly spoilt.
Peanut Butter cake? Sounds delicious, do you think Rosie would share the recipe? I have 3 boys at my house that would love cake I am sure.
Hi Pam, I will ask her for you. Paws crossed! xx
What a lovely party! Best Birthday Wishes to Miss Daisy!
XX Linda
Thank you Linda xx
Looks like a good time was had by all, the pics are great. Daisy looks so cute in her birthday pose!
Hmmmmm … yes she LOOKS cute, but is really very mischievous! Luckily we all love her. xx
What a lovely warm feeling this has given me. Beautiful photos and beautiful bundles of fluff. Tilly is growing so fast and Daisy just looks adorable. There was even a quick glimpse of Lionel in the background LOL They all looked as though they had a great time 🙂
Kathleen xx
Aw, thanks Kathleen. It was a fun afternoon – well done for spotting Lionel, he was here, there and everywhere – really hard to capture him in a photo. xx
Awww how cute and fun! Happy Birthday, Lil Miss Daisy!
What lovely photos – you obviously all had a wonderful day. Happy Birthday Miss Daisy.
Happy birthday to Daisy. What a luck dog to have a special party. I love that last photo. What a gorgeous face!
Beautiful photos and they all obviously had great fun. What a gorgeous bundle Daisy was as a puppy and she is still gorgeous 🙂 Did I spot a whippet doggy amongst the bodies?? xx
Hi Lynn, yes that’s Lionel, the stripey one – a very handsome fellow! xx
Belated birthday greetings Daisy, hope you had a lovely day
Julie xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Julie xx