Early September is one of my most favourite times, and this year it’s been especially lovely down here in south Devon with misty mornings, heavy dews and beautiful golden days … so welcome after the horrible grey days towards the end of last month. The Newfies love this time of year too. Now the weather’s a little cooler they can go out and about more, and as there are fewer visitors I can relax and let them run free again. It’s not that they’re unfriendly – no – the problem is quite the reverse, in that they can both (but especially Daisy) be rather too friendly which can be a little alarming if you’re not used to, or don’t particularly like, dogs.

Today we went up to the woods at Woodleigh, about 20 minutes from home. This collection of four woods is very extensive, and we haven’t by any means explored them all yet. I’m hoping to find the path down to the river now I’m able to walk longer distances again (with the help of my trusty walking pole). That’s the River Avon, the same river that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago.

This is the path down through the fields into the woods, which stretch right down to the river along the valley floor. And if I were to turn round and cross the lane, then I could walk another two or three miles the other way too. The woods at Woodleigh were the first to be acquired by the Woodland Trust and are grouped on the outer edge of the tiny village of Woodleigh with its twisty lanes and picture-perfect English cottages …

And on the way home there’s the chance to stop at the garden centre, which like so many has diversified and so, after browsing bulbs, bushes and other gardening goodies, it’s fun to pop into the little deli and choose from a lovely array of local ……

and some not-so-local produce …
Before heading home for a gentle snooze (the Newfies) and some seasonal sewing (me).
Here’s the first two completed projects for the October issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine and I do hope you like them.
Love your photos and your sewing!
Thank you Jasmine xx
I love the early autumn months, as well, and like Ben and Daisy enjoy longer walks. The humidity of our summer can be rather deflating. I love the photos you share of your area and have to say that the thatch (is it real?) cottage is positively charming!
Looking forward to October and the new projects!
X Linda
Thanks Linda – yes the thatch is real. And so is the cottage. We have lots like that around here, but I am quite glad Coombe Leigh isn’t one of them, I am sure the thatch must be home to lots and lots of SPIDERS!!! EEEeeek!!
Looks like you had a wonderful day
Julie xxxxxxx
We did! And a lovely tea too, thanks to our raid on the Avon Mill deli! xx
Agree with you Helen that the thatched cottages, we have a few in our village in Gloucestershire, look very picturesque and many artists paint them but the spiders – yuk!!!! Wouldn’t like the cost of re-thatching either.
You have some wonderful views and walks, I do envy you although it is for the dogs I envy yo more as we have beautiful walks and views here. However we are in the process of packing and soon to be moving to Cornwall then we can have another doggy friend 🙂
Love the bag!
I have met one or two dogs with the same attitude as your dogs. They run full gallop at people as if to say “Look! New friends! I have been afraid of dogs since I could not even walk, so whoever is near me usually gets shoved between me and the dog. I can never tell, until the dog doesn’t bite anyone, whether or not they are friendly. I say to myself, every time, that I won’t shove anyone in front of me next time, but I always do it without thinking. Last time it was my mother (who had dogs as pets when she was a child) who was “attacked” by the overly enthusiastic mutt. In that case the owner told the dog (from a distance away) to “sit”, and the pooch sat in front of us, still wagging it’s tail. Many times the owner, who know their dog is unlikely to hurt anyone, don’t bother to ask the hound to stop, which does nothing to improve my fear of dogs….. I am a cat person like my father, but make sure that Daisy and Benny get skritches and a treat. 🙂
I know, it can be scary especially when dogs are HUGE like my two. That is why I am so very careful to keep them under close control during the summer months, I would HATE to think that they had upset or frightened anyone. But it is lovely when the beaches are empty again and they can run freely once more.