What an amazing day yesterday (Coronation Day) was! Whether you’re a royalist or not, it was an amazing spectacle and whilst I hope it won’t be a once-in-a-lifetime event for me (given that Charles is over a decade older than I am!), coronations certainly don’t come around very often. I watched some of it and was struck by how much less elitist, conformist and (let’s be frank here) white male the service was compared with that of our late Queen back in 1953. Definitely a change for the better I think!

Some elements remained unchanged however and, having watched the gold state coach on TV and noted its swaying motion I must admit I’m glad I will never be required to ride in it – I would definitely need my sea sickness tablets!
Back at Station House we had our very own Coronation decorations….

Including a flagpole! The shortest flagpole I have ever seen, now officially named Stumpy! It’s actually a piece of metal tubing repurposed by my resourceful husband who was heard to declare that in his eyes Stumpy was the best flagpole that ever there was! I must admit I’m not entirely sure about that, but luckily our house stands about 6-8′ above the path, so seen from below Stumpy does look more impressive.

The Coronation robes were amazing, and I particularly loved the little dogs embroidered on the Queen’s dress. I found an interesting article online about their robes and how they were embroidered by the Royal School of Needlework. You can read it here if you’re interested.
Other than the coronation excitement, life has been carrying on much as usual here at Bustle & Sew HQ. The dogs have been snoozing….

The chickens have been doing chicken-y sorts of things…
And I have been making a start on new patterns for the June magazine….

Daisies and an applique hollyhock cushion to follow, perfect for a summer garden.
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