Here in the UK last week was all about the coronation, but in this post I wanted to chat about another kind of golden crown – that of the dandelion, whose name derives from the French French dent de lion meaning “lion’s tooth” referring to its deeply serrated leaves. (incidentally the French name for dandelion is “pissenlit. ” It’s not a coincidence that looks an awful lot like “piss en lit” (meaning “wet the bed”). This name is due to its diuretic qualities!) But as usual, I’m getting off the subject at hand.
My hens love dandelions, they are full of calcium (great for strong egg shells) and the flowers help give a lovely golden colour to the yolks, whilst little Florence calls them “fairy timers” and can often be seen puffing away at a dandelion clock, hoping to discover the time in fairyland. I’ve stitched dandelions several times too, most recently in the two projects above from issue 98 March 2019 and issue 136 May 2022. At this time of year of course, the great show of dandelion blooms is coming to an end, and so I thought I’d share with you this whimsical children’s poem that’s always made me smile…. (I don’t know the author I’m afraid)

I also wanted to share a really great dandelion-themed tutorial I discovered over on the Mud and Bloom website. Mud and Bloom are all about nature-based kids’ crafts, connecting youngsters with the natural world and the changing seasons around them. They also have some great free tutorials, and I really liked this one, it’s something I would definitely have a go at myself….

For everlasting dandelion clocks. It seems quite straightforward, if a little fiddly when it comes to inserting a wire in the dandelion stalk, and I know Florence would love to have her very own “fairy timer” preserved in her bedroom. Just CLICK HERE to visit the free tutorial over on Mud and Bloom.
Although the dandelions will be over, June of course is the month of flowers and there will be plenty of blooms in the June edition of the Bustle & Sew Magazine.

Above are two projects that I’m working on – daisies and hollyhocks, and there will be more to look forward to. I’ll be back next week with all the details.
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