Thank you very much to everyone who sent get well wishes to that NAUGHTY Miss Daisy. I am very pleased to be able to report that she has made a full recovery – though I did get a little fed up of chasing her around the garden brandishing her ear drops! And posting about the garden seems a very good way to round off this month as May is such an exciting time when everything just bursts into life. At the beginning of the month I was saying farewell to all the early spring flowers, while over the last few weeks the bluebells have been and gone, and now I’m enjoying alliums, succulents, geraniums, foxgloves, and so much more besides ……

Freddie’s mangetout (planted especially as they’re a favourite of his) are in flower – he’ll soon be able to pick his own pods for lunch ….

No worries about pollination either – there are so many insects buzzing around. Fully laden honey bees, the sacs on their legs full to bursting point with yellow pollen, often blunder into the conservatory and have to be given a helping hand out again with my feather duster!

Even my old enamel washing up bowl from Coombe Leigh (it doesn’t fit in my kitchen sink here, and in any case it developed a leak!) has been pressed into service as home to a riot of geraniums ….

We’ve had some glorious weather in May too – Rosie and I have enjoyed a couple of days out, to the seaside (which was wonderful, even though the sun didn’t really shine very much that day) ….

And last week when the weather was so very hot we sneakily gave ourselves the afternoon off and headed down to Stourhead to stroll around the lake and enjoy ice creams in the shade …

Even my stitching has caught a dose of summer sunshine – two particular favourites from this month were Flora the Elephant made from a lovely 1930s vintage cotton fabric ….

And the pink geranium in stitched onto some lovely dark olive green linen that you can see above her head in this picture. The pattern to make your own Flora is also included in our new pattern collection – Simply Softies Book Two …

With fifteen of our favourite softie patterns between the covers, carefully chosen so that there are patterns for everyone at all ability levels….

Simply Softies is now available in the Bustle & Sew store. Just CLICK HERE to learn more – and at just $15 it’s a bit of a bargain – that’s only $1 or around 75p for each pattern!
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