Last year it snowed. Here in England it doesn’t snow every winter, and last year we thought, well, that’s it for the next few years – but not at all! This year (much to Daisy and Freddie’s delight) it snowed again. It snowed, and it snowed and it snowed – for nearly 24 hours. It didn’t drift like last year though, but was uniformly deep – around 12″ – a remarkable amount for us. Daisy couldn’t wait to get outside…

Though she soon became bored of playing in the garden and demanded a walk. The lanes around the village were very exciting ….

She headed off in front – and then returned full of excitement to tell us of the joys ahead…

The woods were quiet – there were tracks from earlier walkers, but we didn’t see anybody….

And when we came out of the trees and into the fields, the whiteness stretched away in front of us…

As deep as I remember from my childhood … when it seemed to snow almost every year – but then I did live quite a bit further north then. Still here’s a picture of us both to give you some idea of the depth of the snow – lovely powdery dry snow, though no good for snowballing as it wouldn’t stick together….

I must admit I was jolly glad to get back into the warm again! And now I must add an apology – if you are waiting on an order for a kit, then I’m very sorry, but I simply haven’t been able to get to the post office as all the lanes are blocked. I think the snow will be short lived though as a thaw is forecast tomorrow so all kits will be on their way as soon as the route to the post office is open again!
Gorgeous, dahlinks!!!
That’s a lot of snow! Love the photos – thanks for sharing. ^^
Oh wow Helen that certainly looks very postcard like. Daisy looks like shes enjoying it immensely.
We have sweltering temps here in NZ at the moment. I’m praying for a little rain to freshen up the paddocks and help the grass to grow for our livestock. (We’re never happy are we with what Mother Nature dishes out).
Yes, I’ve heard it’s hot where you are – goodness knows you’re right, we’re never satisfied with what we have xx
Beautiful photos,love seeing those gorgeous doggies too.xx
Thanks Lee – they are very pesky doggies too, but we love them dearly! xx
Hi Helen,
Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of the ADORABLE Miss. Daisy in the snow! Sadly, here on the Malvern Hills we didn’t have nearly the amount of snow you did but the dogs still enjoyed the snow we did have. Inky does exactly what Daisy does – runs off and then comes haring back to tell you all about it – except she’s probably forgotten what it was by the time she reaches you! I think Echo must find Inky rather embarrassing at times – ha, ha. The pair of them are a real hoot and very loveable.
Love to you all,
Diana and Inky and Echo. xxx
Perfect photos!! what lovely dogs ! Thanks for sharing these photos !!,