January is a quiet month, a time for reflection – and here at Bustle & Sew HQ a time for abstinence too as we consider the toll that Christmas has taken upon our waistbands. Daisy is also supposed to be on a diet, though she is totally against the idea of course. When she was so ill during the summer months she lost a great deal of weight. She has rather enjoyed extras and second helpings to build her back up again – and doesn’t see why this should change no matter how many times I try to explain that being too plump is not good for her rather irregular heart. I brought her home with me six years ago now – she was a tiny black fluffy dot with the sweetest little face….

And the roundest pink tummy – which hasn’t changed very much over the years!

Here she is having fun with Tilly in last year’s snow – she’s very much hoping for a repeat this year, so she can demonstrate the superior insulating quality of her woolly fur to Tilly whose coat isn’t nearly as thick.
The Christmas decorations were taken down at the weekend – though I was interested to read when researching the regular monthly almanac feature for the February Magazine – that in days gone past, they would remain in place until Candlemas Eve on 1 February. Across the village sad and forlorn looking Christmas trees have been appearing next to recycling boxes, though the lady along the lane who keeps goats has taken possession of several – apparently her goats are rather fond of the taste of spruce and pine!

You may remember that Rosie and I attended the Etsy Made Local Fair in Bristol last month. We had a great day, and still have a few handmade items remaining. We don’t often sell these, so if you’d like to take a look and possibly purchase, then please do head over to the store where you can check out what’s still in stock.
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