To look at this picture you would not think that Ted had a mischievous bone in his body. He is curled up next to my sewing, having totally resisted any temptation to (a) redistribute my flosses around the room and (b) pick up my hoop and run out into the garden with it. He has also confined himself (most unusually) to just one half of the sofa, leaving plenty of room for me to return with my cup of tea and resume work. In fact, he is being a VERY GOOD DOG. Sadly this is not always the case….

I feel his true character is revealed much more clearly in this image. Daisy and Rufus are sitting nicely for their photo, but look at the expression in young Ted’s eyes – pure mischief combined with a hint of craftiness – as revealed last weekend. I was busy in the garden when I heard shouting and a bit of a commotion outside on the railway line. I looked up and, to my horror, saw that our garden gate was open and swinging freely in the breeze. I could see Daisy and Rufus but, oh, where was Ted? To cut a long story short, it transpired that the adventurous young Newf had learned to lift the latch on the gate with a shove of his nose and the shouting was the signalman who had spotted him trotting off down towards the engine sheds with a view to sharing the train drivers’ bacon sarnies! Luckily he was speedily apprehended and then returned to our custody in disgrace. Oh Ted!

Among all this excitement I have however managed to get some work done. The May Magazine will be published on Thursday with lots of spring-themed goodies between the covers. As well as six projects, there’s the next installment of our Stitcher’s Alphabet – letters H, I and J – and, my favourite, a little look at the life and work of May Morris, the daughter of the more famous William, lots of lovely recipes, garden tips, poetry corner and much more besides.
For a peep between the covers please click on the image below:

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