What a lovely weekend it has been! We packed our bags and headed off down to visit South Devon where I used to live. Although Somerset is home now, and I wouldn’t want to move away from my family here, I do miss the sea, and in particular walking on the beach during the autumn and winter when it was much quieter and Ben and Daisy could run (and swim too of course!) without worrying about alarming other beach users with their sheer size and exuberance.
Saturday was spent mostly catching up with old friends but on Sunday morning – after a lovely breakfast – we planned to visit Burgh Island. The hotel there is said to have inspired the setting for Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None.” But first there was the excitement of driving along the tidal road from Aveton Gifford….

Always reassuring to be in a Land Rover when the sea comes as close as this….

Though fortunately the tide was on its way out! It’s only a short stretch before the road begins to climb into narrow tree-lined lanes and the sea “proper” comes into sight.

Daisy was overjoyed to arrive at the beach and ran as fast as her rather stumpy legs would take her straight into the water. I had wanted to take her photo, but by the time I’d found my phone she was just a little black speck in the distance ……

She’s usually very playful and sociable with other canines, but on this occasion she totally ignored all the other playful dogs in her rush to the sea. You can see the art deco hotel on the left, and the white building bottom right is the Pilchard Inn…

which dates back to the thirteenth century. Daisy had to wear her lead on our walk around the island though as she is so clumsy I wouldn’t trust her not to fall over the edge….

She’s that kind of dog! It was a lovely visit, and now she’s snoring gently by my side as I begin work on another Christmas project for the December issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine. The November issue (which also includes two Christmas designs) was published last week….

If you’d like to learn more then please visit our magazine page where you can find out about subscribing, or purchase back issues from our store.
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