Today is Stir Up Sunday, the day for me at least, when our Christmas really begins to take shape.

Stir up Sunday is a tradition that harks back to Victorian times when the family would gather together to stir the Christmas pudding five weeks before Christmas. The opening words of the Book Of Common Prayer, used on the last Sunday before Advent, read: “Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people,” so the tradition stands that this is the day to stir your puddings ready for the big day ahead!
Christmas pudding traditionally contains 13 ingredients that represent Jesus and his disciples. It is traditionally stirred (while making a wish) by each member of the family from East to West, to remember the Wise Men that visited Jesus in the Nativity Story. The traditional garnish of a sprig of holly represented the crown of thorns. Adding coins or charms to the pudding was said to bring luck to the person who discovered them in their slice of pudding on Christmas Day. The traditional lucky charms were a silver coin for wealth, a wishbone for luck, a thimble for thrift, a ring for marriage, and an anchor for safe harbour.
The arrival of Stir Up Sunday also means if you haven’t started your Christmas projects yet, then it really is time to think about doing so! And if you’re stuck for inspiration then you might like to consider our super-value Christmas pattern bundle…..

A great collection of Bustle & Sew Christmas designs – and a free gift too! (as Christmas is a time for giving). To learn more, and also discover more of our great value pattern collections, please just CLICK HERE to visit the Bustle & Sew Book Shop.
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