I always feel an enormous sense of relief once the magazine is safely published and distributed to all subscribers. And especially so this month as I’d made quite a few changes to the format – any one of which could have lead to all kinds of issues with saving and uploading the file. Luckily however, all went smoothly and the November issue has now been sent out to all subscribers, but if you’re a subscriber and haven’t yet received your copy then please do let me know soonest.

Now the magazine is finished and other pressing tasks such as making blinds and headboard for Rhubarb our Shepherd’s hut are also complete….

I have time to concentrate on my Countryside Year (wheel of the year project) which I plan to release towards the end of November – just in time for those looking for some Christmas stitching. I’ve completed the first six months – July to December and hope you approve of my choice of designs.
These are quite personal, capturing for me the essence of each month from the field of sunflowers that towered over little Florence’s head that I visited with family last August to the geese that fly over our house each autumn. Their activity peaks in November when the evening is filled with their honking as they squabble with each other over sleeping space (I think) when they settle overnight on the quarry lake just half a mile away.

I will be taking pre-orders in a couple of weeks time when I’ve finished the sample piece (look out for lambs, an owl and lovely sunshine yellow daffodils still to come) as I’d like to have some idea of how many printed panels I will need to stock. This is quite a large project that will need a 13″ hoop to display and so it will make a real impact when it’s complete. I’m absolutely loving working on it, it’s the kind of project I don’t really want to finish as it’s so much fun to stitch!
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