I was very pleased I consulted my weather app this morning before planning the day’s activities. It told me that although the day would start bright and sunny we could expect thunderstorms and torrential rain by the afternoon. So I took the dogs out quite early, and even mowed my lawn in anticipation of it being too wet later. (This is a chore I hate, and normally put off as long as possible). After a rather nice Sunday lunch I took a cup of tea and some stitching out into the gazebo for a while – it was warm and bright and it seemed hard to believe rain was on the way….

In fact it was so warm and sunny, and my lunch had been so delicious that before long I found I was becoming a little drowsy so I headed off into into the conservatory where I made myself very comfy on the sofa. It is entirely possible that I may perhaps have fallen asleep, before I was suddenly awoken with a start by a very loud BANG!! I opened my eyes to discover the sky had turned a dark yellowish grey; then there was another clap of thunder and the heavens opened!

It’s a very good thing I didn’t fall asleep outside! But when the storm had passed the garden was lovely and fresh, all the dust washed away by the rain, and by some miracle all my favourite plants were undamaged…..

And I was able to take my stitching outside to photograph. I’m still working on my 2018 calendar panel. I don’t know if you’re like me, but there are some projects I enjoy so much I don’t want them to finish! I’m really loving embroidering all these flowers, with the 2018 remaining as negative space …..

I’ve loved matching the floss colours to the design, and as it’s printed in colour it’s really easy to follow. I haven’t used any difficult stitches on the whole, mainly satin stitch, French knots and stem stitch…..

Then, when I’ve finished the main design I will mark our family’s special dates and anniversaries before mounting it on a canvas block. 2018 Calendar Kits including full stitching instructions and all the floss you need will be available in store next month. As well as the calendar I’ve been working on the first of this year’s new Christmas projects – can you guess what it will be?

I think the numbers might be a bit of a giveaway! Yes, it’s the beginnings of an Advent calendar – the first project for the September Bustle & Sew Magazine. And…. just a quick reminder while I’m thinking about Christmas – our Christmas in July Sale ends tomorrow…

So if you’re thinking of stocking up on Christmas patterns please don’t delay – you can find all our currently available patterns – and Christmas collections too in store now. Just CLICK HERE to visit our Christmas store.
I love it after a storm, the fresh smell. I heard thunder in the far distance late last night. Did you take your lovely gazebo from Devon to your new house or have you had another built?
Julie xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Julie, yes it is lovely. I have a new gazebo, though it’s not as posh as my old one haha!!