Thursdays are very busy days for me as it’s the day our Pensioner’s Lunch Club meet. I’m one of the organisers so I head down to the village hall around 10.30-ish every Thursday and don’t return home until after 2 pm. The Newfies HATE Thursdays and plump down sulkily onto their beds when they see me packing everything into my lunch club bag prior to leaving. They always have an early walk on lunch club days to help them settle while I’m gone and this morning we headed down to the beach at Beesands at around 7 am ….

Arriving just before sunrise. What an amazing sky! Here in England we have a saying, “red sky at night, shepherd’s delight .. red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning” and this sky was all shades of red, purple and orange. You could almost taste the rain to come as the wind was mild and damp, and it duly arrived around 10 am since when it’s rained on and off all day. But we were lucky and our walk was dry – indeed there was some early sunshine …

Start Bay faces almost due east – the perfect position to watch the sun rise over the water. And then I was overcome by a desire to take artistic photos….

With some “assistance” from the large black furry one ….

Thanks Ben! Having collapsed the pile of slates I was attempting to photograph the newfies quickly ran on ahead, only Ben stopping for a moment to make sure I was following not too far behind …

Then home again, time for a coffee and then soon off to lunch club (me) and a nice dog treat followed by the opportunity for a long snooze (the Newfies). And thinking about snoozing, I have a new friend to keep my toes warm at night ….

My Cosy Badger hot water bottle cover – the second pattern for the December issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine. He’s made from an old felted jumper and some tweed and felt pieces. And Rosie will definitely NOT be allowed to snaffle my badger – he’s staying at home with me!

Finally, thank you so much for all your kind comments about my Jolly Robin Hoop – I’m so pleased you like it and hope you’ll like my Cosy Badger pattern too. They’ll both be in next month’s magazine – which is shaping up to be a bumper Christmas issue!
I’ve never heard the saying using shepherds. My father who liked to fish always said the old rhyme using sailors. After reading your post, I popped over to Google. Both sayings are there. I wonder if it depends on which side of the pond you live on.
Hmmm maybe? I don’t know – or perhaps where in the country you are – I grew up in Warwickshire which is about as far from the sea as you can get in England, so shepherds made much more sense than sailors!
Your badger is very cute, Helen.
He is so cute!
Absolutely love your Cozy Badger!!! I don’t use a hot water bottle but I need to think of another use for this as he/she is so darn cute. Hmmm, maybe just a pillow? Your robin piece is wonderful also. I always get a nice little laugh at your Newfies and the antics they get up to especially on the beach. Funny how they like to knock you photo session props over. Well, maybe not funny to you but to me, yes!
Yes, they’re very silly! And it doesn’t really matter – what is more annoying is when Ben clears the table with a swipe of his tail – especially if I have a cup of tea on there….
Cannot wait for the next issue! Badger is adorable. The cat will be so jealous. The dog will probably think it is for him!
Thanks Regena – and Ben is definitely not getting his paws on my badger!
Yes here in Gloucestershire we say shepherds too! Beautiful skies and gorgeous colours. Oh Ben knocking over the photo prop, perhaps he thought you were hiding something there especially for him!!
I love Mr Brock, he looks so cute holding his tweed (ratting) cap 🙂
Thank you Lynn – Ben just has rather large clumsy paws and is almost guaranteed to knock over whatever he’s taking an interest in!
Helen, I noticed you were brought up in Warwickshire 😀 I am curious as to whereabouts ……………… I love your photos of the sky …. that is a saying we have here too x
Hi Sheila – I lived in a small village near Leamington Spa on the Fosse Way.
Hi Helen,another wonderful post with beautiful pics,I must try and take some of Baz the collie.We are out on the cliff path at 7am too yaaawn.Ben is so funny bless him just a BIG cudddly softie.The lunch club sounds lovely and no doubt enjoyable those those that go.LOVE the badger and the lil Robin is soooo cute.Hugs and Cuddles to all not forgetting,oh dear I have forgotten the puppy’s name (Rosie’s).xx