Today is of course, as well as Remembrance Sunday, the one hundredth anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that brought to an end the horrors of the First World War. And though we remember all service personnel, the centenary lends an especial poignancy to this year’s ceremonies. In our towns and villages special efforts have been made to decorate War Memorials and churches..

And the surrounding churchyards….

In spite of the stormy weather earlier this week, there are still leaves remaining on the trees, whose trunks are also festooned with poppies….

And this year for the first time, to my knowledge at least, there were purple poppies among the red, commemorating service animals….

We couldn’t find any purple clip on poppies, so Daisy and her friends, Lucky and Monty, have red poppies on their collars, honouring all those animals who gave their lives so they can run freely through the fields today……

They shall not be forgotten…. person or animal… their sacrifices gave us the world we live in today and we thank them.
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